Millia’s combos in Accent Core are much much more difficult than her combos in earlier versions. With the loss of her old j.h in GGXXSlash, and the shortening of the untechable time on both of her pins, her combos require lots of variable delays and have to be adjusted depending on position and height. In addition, they are all character specific. There is a list of known combos below, in the Millia combos thread on Dustloop.

I also found this video very helpful when I was initially learning Millia’s combos.

Despite there being a big list, I don’t advocate memorizing big combos. I think it’s much more important to learn the specific properties on all of Millia’s normals, and gain an understanding of how her combos work from there. The reason for this is that because all of the combos listed start from common situations, like a successful disc mixup or a ground starter. Her combos that start from random air-to-air hits can’t be memorized and have to be made up on the spot, and being able to make a combo from that situation that ends in a knockdown is really difficult and requires a solid understanding of her normals.

One thing I should note in all these combos I have written here, is the ender. Depending on position, height, and the character getting comboed, ender can be a lot o fthings. Ideally, if the combo is done right, then the ender should be a final j.d that is low enough in the air so that the opponent cannot airtech. Sometimes, it might be necessary to add a j.236p after the j.d to get that knockdown. And in most all cases, a j.214s after the j.d followed by landing and doing 6h into whatever will also give a knockdown.
If you feel that you’re in a position where the hitbox of j.d will be too high and miss the opponent, then you can swap it for j.h j.214s land 6h to give the knockdown.
Sometimes, there’ll be a situation where Millia won’t be able to connect either j.h or j.d into a pin, and j.236p won’t give knockdown. In these situations, she should just either end in j.h or j.d, and upon landing, relaunch the opponent using 5k or 5s and try to do an aircombo that gives a knockdown from there(generally from there it will be j.ksh AD j.d AD j.d because of the hitcount).
And finally, if you are just plain too high in the air to get a knockdown from anything, than just end the air portion in j.h j.236d. After the j.236d hits, depending on how close Millia was to the ground and corner, you can either:
-dash under the opponent(crossing them up in the process) and 6h them back into the corner
-dash under opponent and 5s/2h into an air combo that hopefully will knockdown
You can also just simply land and 6h them out of the corner, which is not as good but has to be done sometimes when the spacing isn’t right. Being able to determine what situations call for which ender requires a lot of experimentation, experience, and an understanding of the hitboxes and properties of her normals.

Another thing that should be noted is that the direction of her jump should be changed if the combo is done in or close to the corner. I’m actually not entirely sure why this happens, but I believe it’s because of the hitbox on her j.d. In almost all of the combos that I have listed here, unless specified otherwise, the jump cancel off of 2h/5k/5s will always be a forward jump. For combos done near a corner, it helps for Millia to instead jump cancel upwards or backwards. If she ends up jump cancelling forwards, the j.d will whiff in the corner.

Besides using different normals, combos are adjusted based on the character getting comboed and the spacing by delay cancelling certain hits. Here are the most relevant delays to keep in mind of.
-airdash cancel j.d. Generally this will go into either another j.d, j.kd, or When doing rejump combos against the light characters, putting a delay between j.d AD j.d in the first part of the combo helps a lot. j.d AD j.kd varies a lot depending on character. On characters like Millia, Ky, and Eddie, it helps a lot to have no delay at all between these if comboing them not near the corner. And on many other characters, putting a delay between the j.d and j.kd helps a lot. j.d AD is generally done during rejump combos, and on most characters it helps to delay the airdash.
-delay cancel j.d. Yes, even j.d can be delay cancelled. This is mainly useful when doing j.d xx j.236p/j.214s to get a knockdown.
-delay cancel j.s. This is generally used during combos that have a or j.ksh in them. Putting a delay between the j.s and j.h serves to juggle the opponent a bit higher than normal, which can be useful to create more space for the following airdash strings to connect. Pretty critical in comboing Johnny.

So, here’s a breakdown of her most important combos.

From A Ground Launch (ex. ground 6p2h, 5s2h)

1.5s2h j.kd AD j.kd AD ender
This is probably her easiest combo to do in general, and it works against most characters. Don’t be afraid of doing this combo against a character that you’re not confident of doing a better combo on, as getting the knockdown as opposed to getting more damage is much more important for Millia.

2.5s2h j.ksh AD j.d AD ender
This combo also works on many characters. The j.h in the first air string should be delayed a bit. It also works against Johnny, but the timing of it against him is much more different: the jump cancel after 2h should be delayed and the j.k should be delayed a lot, and the j.h in the first j.ksh string should be delayed as well.

3.5s2h AD j.d AD land j.ksh AD j.d AD ender
This combo is basically superior in every way to the first two, doing more damage, generating more meter, and covering more distance allowing Millia to bring the opponent to the corner more quickly. However, it is also more difficult, not as universal, and makes the opponent generate more meter too. In general, this combo should only be done on characters that are of medium to heavy weight. This includes characters like Axl, Slayer, Sol, Eddie, and Testament.

4.5s2h AD j.d AD land (j.kd AD j.kd AD ender) or (j.kd j.214s AD j.d AD ender)
This combo is really similar to the previous one, and it’s also superior to the first two combos for the same reasons. This combo should mainly be done on the lighter to medium characters of the game, like all of the females and Bridget.

5.5s2h IAD land j.ksh AD j.d AD ender
This combo should only be done on Robo-Ky and Potemkin.

From An Air Launch (ex. H Tandem Top hits into dash 5s2h, 6k xx 214s 214d into dash 5s2h)

1.5s2h j.d AD j.kd AD ender
This is probably the most universal and easy combo she can do off of an air launch. Works against most of the cast, but it’s a bit more difficult to make it connect against the females, especially May and Baiken.

2.5s(c) j.kd AD j.kd AD ender
The 5s(c) should hit twice. This combo is pretty easy too, but does less damage than the 1st one. Generally, this combo should be done against the females if you’re having trouble comboing them, or against characters that have hitboxes that are troublesome to connect 2h with(like Sol and Order-Sol).

3.5s2h uj.h AD j.d AD land (j.ksh AD j.d AD ender) or (j.kd AD j.kd AD ender) or (j.kd xx j.214s AD j.d AD ender)
This combo is superior to the first two in every way, but is also a bit more difficult to do. Generally this combo should only be done on the heavy to slightly light characters, or against the light characters if the 5s connects while the opponent is very very low in the air. Against the heavy to medium characters like Slayer, Axl, Eddie, and Testament, the first ender in the parentheses should be used. Against the lighter characters like the females and Bridget, the second or third ender in parentheses should be used.

4.5s2h uj.d AD j.d AD land (j.kd AD j.kd AD ender) or (j.kd xx j.214s AD j.d AD ender)
This combo is superior to the first two for the same reasons. Generally this combo should only be done on the lighter characters of the games like the females and Bridget, and only if the 5s connects when they’re a bit higher up in the air, in comparison to the previous combo.

5.5s2h AD j.d AD land j.ksh AD j.d AD ender
This combo should only be done on Robo-Ky and Potemkin.

5.5s2h AD j.d AD j.h xx j.214s land 6h
This combo should only be done on Johnny. It helps to delay the the jump cancel from 2h and the j.h after the first j.s to make the proper spacing for the pin to connect.

5.5s2h j.kd j.214s AD j.d AD ender
This combo should only be done on Johnny. It helps to delay the airdash after the pin by a bit to get the right height for both of the following j.d’s to connect.

5.5s(2hits) j.ksh AD j.d AD ender
This combo works on a number of characters, but I mainly use it against Johnny in the corner. It helps to delay the j.h in the j.ksh sequence. If you have a pin ready, swapping out j.d for j.h pin makes the knockdown much easier to get.

From A Ground Throw (ex. throw, dash 5s2h)

1.Dash 5s2h j.d AD j.kd AD ender
This is probably the most universal combo she can do off of a throw. Pretty similar to the air launch variant of this.

2.Dash 5kk j.ksh AD j.d AD ender
This combo does less damage than the previous one, and should only be done against characters who have troublesome weights or are difficult to land a dash 5s on, like Ky and Testament.

3.Dash 5kk j.kd AD j.kd AD ender
This combo should mainly be done against the light characters of the game like the females and Bridget.

4.Dash 5k j.pksh AD j.d AD ender
This combo should only be done against Johnny and Eddie when not near the corner. The air launch combo I have listed earlier on Johnny also works for a throw combo against him when near the corner.

From A Hitconfirm Into S Tandem Top In Corner (ex. 6k xx 236s, 5s xx 236s)

1.236s 5p/5k j.ksh AD j.d AD ender
5k should be used if Millia is extremely close to the corner, and 5p should be used in all other cases. It takes some practice to get the 5p/5k link after 236s down. This combo should mainly be done on the heavy to medium weight characters, like Potemkin, Testament, and Robo-Ky. It also works against Johnny, but the delays are totally different against him. In particular, put a delay between the j.s and j.h, and delay both of the airdash j.d’s as much as you can.

2.236s 5p/5k j.kd AD j.kd AD ender
In most cases the first j.kd should either be a jump up or jump backwards. This combo should mainly be done on the normal to light characters like the females, Bridget, Sol, Venom, and Chipp.

3.236s (j.ksh AD j.d AD ender) or (j.kd AD j.kd AD ender)
If the 236s connects at a far distance from the corner to the point where 5p won’t connect, then this combo can be done instead. Doing the j.k directly after the 236s recovers takes some practice.

4.236s 5p/5k j.ksh AD j.d AD ender
Pretty much exactly the same as the 1st combo in this section except that the last j.d is replaced with j.h xx j.214s, it’s very difficult to get Combo 1 to work against Johnny so if you have pin equipped this combo is much easier.

From A Random Air-To-Air Hit (ex. j.p or j.k)

1.j.kd AD j.d AD land (j.ksh AD j.d AD ender) or (j.kd AD j.kd AD ender)
This combo works on a lot of characters, but generally works better against the medium and heavy weights. After landing from the, she can go into her typical enders that are described earlier.

2.j.pkd AD j.d AD land (j.ksh AD j.d AD ender) or (j.kd AD j.kd AD ender)
Pretty similar to the above combo, just starting from j.p this time.

3.j.kd AD land (j.kd AD j.kd AD ender) or (j.kd j.214s AD j.d AD ender)
This combo sometimes works better than the previous two. Experiment more with these to determine what situation calls for each combo.

4.j.pkd AD j.d AD j.h j.214s land 6h
In situations where it doesn’t look like will connect after j.d, this can be attempted instead.

5.j.pkd AD j.kd AD j.d
Another situational combo, this tends to work better against heavy characters.

Other combo tips

Learn the 5s and 5h link after j.k. It’s very easy to link 2p and 2k after a j.k, but because of her gatling options she won’t be able to get a knockdown after these most of the time. Going into 5s or 5h usually lets her get a knockdown, and even a full combo in the corner sometimes. These situations will usually pop up when airdash strings of alternating j.p’s and j.k’s. Try to aim to have j.k be the last air normal before landing. It’s also helpful to delay cancel j.p to j.k if Millia is high.

Hitconfirming into Emerald Rain is also another important skill to learn. Whenever you have at least 50% meter and you’re looking to poke with 5s, make sure to be on the ready to input Emerald Rain if it hits. It’s also important to be able hitconfirm 6k into Emerald Rain, as if 6k is blocked you don’t want Emerald Rain to still come out because 6k is actually frame advantage on block so she can continue pressure off of that normally. What I like to do is whenever I’m doing 5s5h or 6k, I am already buffering 236236, with a finger hovering over S.