Anji Mito
Axl Low
Chipp Zanuff
Jam Kuradoberi
Ky Kiske
Millia Rage
Order Sol
Robo Ky
Sol Badguy
My opinion 4.5:5.5
This matchup can be a pain. I believe it’s slightly in A.B.A’s favor. First off, don’t fight her ground-to-ground when she’s in Moroha Mode, all of her normals(especially her standing far slash) beat yours for free. The only time you should ever be trying to fight her on the ground is if you’re trying to fish for a knockdown with the tip of your 2d, and that’s still really risky if you’re not positioned right. Try to stay in the air against her, and fish for knockdowns with pins and the tip of j.d or j.h. Millia’s instant kill is really good against A.B.A since she can activate it anywhere and it will home in, so once you knock her down 3 times in her Moroha Mode don’t hesitate at all to instant kill her.
Anti-airing A.B.A in Moroha Mode is risky too, as her j.h will sometimes win out completely and she’ll get huge damage off of a combo after. If you are doing a mixup on A.B.A without disc or orb protection, doing TK Bad Moon is extremely risky because if A.B.A blocks it, she can counter with far slash into her rekkas into huge damage. Also, bursting against A.B.A on the ground when she’s in Moroha Mode is extremely risky because she can react to your burst startup with Danzai to superarmor right through it.
In normal mode, the main thing you have to worry about is her FB Slide. If you see her do it(generally if she’s trying to escape your pressure) don’t even try to punish it, as it is completely invincible. Just jump or dash out of the way, as if you don’t, A.B.A will most likely throw you after the slide, followed by her comboing into her keygrab to get into Moroha Mode.
Other things to watch out for are her wakeup time, as she gets up significantly later than everybody else. Also, her hitbox is really weird, so make sure to practice some custom combos against her. It’s very difficult to combo A.B.A out of the corner, so I would recommend sticking to easy combos unless you’re absolutely confident you can hit the harder ones.
Anji Mito
My opinion 6:4
This match is definitely in Millia’s favor. His options are severely limited against Millia’s disc/orb setups because of their huge active frames, and he has to take huge risks to get out of them. If he’s doing Butterfly mixups on you, make sure to alternate between IB and FD to throw off his spacing. If you think he’s going to attempt an unblockable setup with FB butterfly, IB into backdash should work nicely.
On ground-to-ground, generally only try to poke with the tip of 2d, as any other pokes will get beat outright and Millia’s far slash can be autoguarded. Anji’s effective range is humongous, as he can combo almost any of his normals into Fuujin into his general combo so trying to win poking wars against him is not advised. Be very careful when trying to anti-air him, as his j.d is extremely tricky, allowing him to stop his momentum in the air and come down with another attack. Millia is strongest in the air, but try not to go into the air predictably because his superjump is ridiculously fast and covers a large amount of space so he can get a lot of airthrows off. In addition, he can get big combos off of his airthrow. Just play carefully.
Axl Low
My opinion 6:4
This is another match that’s really in Millia’s favor. First off, Millia’s pin completely destroys him. Axl has probably the best anti-air options in the game, but the pin completely shuts this aspect of his game down. In addition, it also allows Millia to get in on him for free. Millia’s general movement options and speed also make it very hard for Axl to snipe her out of the air. Millia also beats Axl very easily up close, as 6p is extremely effective against his mostly slower than average normals, and 5s is good too. He also has really bad reversal options and his hitbox is humongous so standard Millia mixup is more effective than normal against him. He really has no answer to Millia’s FB Pretty Maze and Secret Garden setups.
He has more ways than other characters of dealing with Millia roll, however. Against Axl pressure, Millia can get away with throwing out FB Pretty Maze during gaps more than other characters, since a lot of his resets in pressure involve that overhead leap he does. If Millia loses her pin and Axl starts to camp it, things get a bit harder. Approaching from the air becomes a huge risk at this point for Millia, so try to avoid getting into this situation. She can dash forward, FD brake, and then roll if Axl tries to do an antiair normal to get in.
My opinion 5:5
There is a bit of debate about this matchup. Some people think that Baiken is one of Millia’s worst matchups, and some think that it’s fairly even. I’m of the latter group, as I think it is even, and if not, then it is only slightly in Baiken’s favor. First off, Baiken can’t really use her guard cancels proactively against Millia, as she has more ways than other characters of baiting and dealing with them. Since Millia isn’t really a pressure character(she can’t really keep people blocking for like 10 seconds) and relies more on one-shot mixups, Baiken has to take a pretty big risk if she tries to counter, and that usually requires a fairly big read. To bait her counters, you can stick to short strings with jabs, use jump cancellable normals, or you can do the Millia specific strategy of doing a blockstring into roll.
Millia’s roll is extremely effective against Baiken. The roll goes under Baiken’s Sakura counter(the sword) and evades her Ouren so you can punish the recovery of that. If for some reason she does Youshijin(the ground chain) counter during ground pressure, Millia won’t be CH by it so it’s not a big deal. If you knock Baiken down, try to stick with H Tandem Top setups, as the bigger active frames on FB Pretty Maze and Secret Garden setups will allow her to Ouren out for free. This also helps in conserving Millia’s meter, so she can save it for DAA.
This is one of those matchups where Millia should be landing more throws than normal, as Millia outmaneuvers Baiken by a lot. Go for lots of tick throws and blockstring into roll throw attempts against her, and do the delayed H Tandem Top into throw setup against her to make her think twice about throwing out counters. In neutral, play the standard ground-to-ground game against Baiken like everybody else, ie. footsies, trying to space with the tip of 2d, FD braking, dash in 5s(f) for pokes.
If Baiken is in the air, don’t try to fight against her j.s and j.h directly, as Millia does not have an answer to those normals(both in the air and ground). If you are a bit farther away in the air, however, you can use pin to fish for a counterhit against her j.s and j.h. If Baiken is doing the standard tactic of airdashing back and forth and controlling space with Tatami Mats, you can dash at her and either 6p or roll(roll is generally better) and punish her landing recovery. Millia is fast enough to usually be able to dash under the mats.
If Baiken is pressuring you, just try to block well. You can roll under her Kabari(the chain) if you are fast enough to react to it. Baiken pressure is extremely strong in the corner so try to tough it up and block well. Unfortunately if Baiken lands a hit in she will do huge damage, and will be able to knock you down into the corner into either a safe meaty Tatamigaeshi setup or a 50/50 mixup with her jump.
My opinion 5.5:4.5
Admittedly I don’t have much experience in this matchup, but this matchup should be in Millia’s favor. Try not to fight Bridget on the ground so much, as his pokes are generally better. Bridget is known for being able to fly all over the screen and stay out of range forever while chipping away at people’s lifebars with his long-range normals, but against Millia it’s not quite as effective due to Millia’s mobility.
On offense, Bridget doesn’t really have a way out of Millia mixup other than delaying his wakeup a bit by throwing out a yoyo when he’s knocked down. This can be annoying, especially since it makes FB Pretty Maze a bit weaker. He also has Starship, which isn’t one of the better uppercuts in the game but it can be FRCed. Secret Garden setups are excellent against Bridget, as he doesn’t really have a way to deal with those. In the air, Millia’s pins and j.d are really good for zoning Bridget out, and the pin especially is good at beating his long range pokes.
Chipp Zanuff
My opinion 3.5:6.5
In my opinion, this is Millia’s worst matchup by far. Millia’s natural advantage in speed and mobility over most of the cast disappears here, as Chipp is faster in every way. In addition, all of his normals beat Millia’s for free, especially his 2d on the ground. Millia pretty much can’t fight Chipp ground-to-ground directly at all. If Chipp is in the air, Millia cannot antiair his j.h and j.d. The best outcome that will arise from trying to 6p those moves is a trade, and that trade is not in Millia’s favor. It is also really difficult to bait counterhits with the pin because of Chipp’s fast movement speed. Staying in the air in this matchup is recommended, but it’s still dangerous because Chipp is really good at getting off airthrows.
This is also a pretty irritating matchup to play because when it’s played right, both characters are just flying all over the screen. Millia will be trying desperately to get a counterhit, while Chipp will be chasing her down and using his superior normals to get her locking.
In the neutral situation, just try your best to bait a counterhit with pin, and use j.d for air-to-air only. If you try to land with j.d, Chipp’s dash is so fast that he can often just run under you and punish the landing recovery. On the ground, you can use roll against his non low-hitting ground pokes, but you should only do it if you have a read. For air-to-ground, use pin to bait antiairs, and generally try to land with j.p and j.k.
If you have Chipp knocked down, be more careful when doing mixups on him as he has a very good reversal uppercut with Beta Blade. To make things worse, he has an FRC point on it so he can make it safe if you bait it. Use the reversal safe 214p FRC mixups and meaty H Tandem mixups/FB Pretty Maze setups whenever you can. Avoid using Secret Garden setups as he can teleport out of those for free. If Chipp has you knocked down or is pressuring you, then just hope for the best and block as well as you can. On the plus side of this matchup, Chipp doesn’t do very much damage in his combos. Most of the time when he hits you, it’ll be an air combo into Beta Blade finisher, or a knockdown into ambiguous left/right mixup. Chipp needs meter for Alpha Blade FRC or FB Genrouzan to do big damage.
My opinion 6:4
This matchup is in Millia’s favor. Dizzy generally needs to get a fish out to get her offense going, and when she can’t do that, she has to run away. However, Millia is much faster than Dizzy so she gives her problems.
When Millia has Dizzy knocked down, Dizzy doesn’t really have any good escape options, as her backdash is terrible and her supers are extremely risky to throw out. In addition, Dizzy’s big hitbox make certain mixups easier to land on her. Secret Garden setups are excellent against her done at the right range. In the neutral game, Dizzy’s 2k is a very solid poke but Millia can beat it with a properly spaced standing far slash and 2d. In addition, Millia can roll under Dizzy’s other good poke, 5k. Millia can pretty safely antiair 6p all of Dizzy’s air normals, and Millia can use pin to bait Dizzy’s antiair options. Millia’s j.d is also more effective than usual against Dizzy because of Dizzy’s big hitbox.
Millia can use j.d and pin to solidly CH Dizzy anytime she tries to do a fish summon at neutral. If Millia is on the ground and Dizzy does a fish summon at neutral, a running 6p into roll will solidly deal with that. If Dizzy has Millia knocked down or is pressuring her, then things become more difficult as Dizzy’s mixup is very good and she has solid pressure if she has fish protection. Just block as well as you can, IB predictable strings and try to 1f jump through the gaps, as Dizzy has trouble keeping up with Millia’s mobility. I guess on the minus side, Dizzy does huge damage and she will do more damage per combo than you, and if she lands a counterhit j.h, the combo she does after will hurt.
My opinion 4.5:5.5
I feel that this matchup is even, and if not, then it’s slightly in Eddie’s favor. Both characters have several ways of completely dominating the other. This is one of those matchups where basically whoever gets the 1st knockdown wins. On Eddie’s side, his ground pokes are superior to all of Millia’s normals, especially his 2s, and on counterhit they combo into Drill which give him a knockdown and allow him to set up the Shadow. In the air, his j.k is still as powerful as before, and he can fly which is very good, making it very difficult for Millia to predict his landing and antiair him. And most of all, when he gets a knockdown and sets up the Shadow, then his pressure is unparalleled and completely safe. If Eddie starts the Shadow pressure against Millia, then there’s very little chance that Millia will actually be able to escape it without taking some damage. Eddie’s unblockables are also stupid and since Millia doesn’t really have good reversals she is forced to take the damage. She also gets dizzy easily so she is more prone to getting Instant Killed by Eddie than the rest of the cast.
On Millia’s side, her mixups work very well against Eddie, as Eddie’s defensive options are horrible and his hitbox is big. On the ground, dashing 5s(f) is very effective against Eddie if spaced right, and she can roll under many of Eddie’s pokes. In the air, Millia’s j.d spaced at the tip beats Eddie’s j.k clean and is good in general whenever he is flying and trying to get a safe landing. Pin is used to great effect to bait counterhits and it’s also an excellent way to get rid of the Shadow, as if the pin hits the Shadow or makes contact with Eddie the Shadow will be forced to disappear. Try to land from the air with j.k as Millia, and avoid using j.d and j.s unless absolutely necessary. Millia’s general movement speed and mobility also allows her to prevent herself from getting knocked down by Eddie into broken Shadow pressure. Don’t try to fight him ground-to-ground if he has the Shadow out, as he has a big advantage in that situation, so either try to take to the air and hit him with a pin or run away and try to get a better position. Her movement speed also allow her more opportunities to punish Eddie doing drills in neutral, as he is in CH state for the entire animation.
Against Eddie pressure with the Shadow, just hope for the best and try to IB Mawaru and then backdash or 1f jump out of it. When Eddie doesn’t have the Shadow out and is letting the Eddie meter regenerate, Millia should just absolutely rush him down and try to prevent him from getting the shadow out again, as Eddie is extremely weak without the shadow and can’t do big damage without it. The matchup is even, but Millia has to work a bit harder, since she can’t really afford to make any mistakes.
My opinion 5.5:4.5
This matchup has traditionally been in Millia’s favor, and still is though I believe that Faust has a better chance in this version. First off, in a neutral situation Millia typically has the advantage, as the pin destroys a lot of Faust’s options as he relies a lot on his long range normals to space people out. His j.h, especially when combined with Faust’s j.2k FD cancel, can be a pain to deal with, but pin can solidly CH it if you read it. Millia’s 6p antiair beats all of Faust’s air normals for free, but Faust has more ways than other characters of baiting antiairs with his j.2k FD cancel. So even when Faust has used up all of his air mobility options, he can still alter his landing trajectory, so be very careful when attempting to antiair him.
The way this matchup generally plays out is Faust trying to keep Millia away. His zoning is very strong so Millia must be patient to get in and win.
If he throws out an item, absolutely watch out for the Hammer. If Millia gets counterhit by the hammer, the round is pretty much over as she will either be dizzy or close to it. At a far distance, Millia can dash and roll under Faust’s scalpel pull special, and her roll and 6p are really effective against most of Faust’s ground pokes like 5k, 5s, and 2h. Don’t get too predictable with blockstrings ending in 236h as Faust can just counter with 5s(f) if he reads it. Faust does huge damage with his pokes and combos, but his pressure isn’t really that great, so just play careful in this matchup, use the pin wisely, and capitalize on every knockdown and it shouldn’t be too difficult.
My opinion 6:4
This matchup is in Millia’s favor. In neutral situations Millia has a huge advantage with her superior mobility. I-No’s pokes are fairly weak so Millia’s 5s(f) and 2d work even better than normal. If I-No is in the air, Millia’s j.d spaced at a distance beats most of I-No’s options, but if they’re close I-No has the advantage as her j.p is extremely good air-to-air. Pin is very effective as usual. If Millia knocks I-No down, I-No has pretty much no reversal options unless she has meter, so Millia should capitalize on every knockdown. If I-No knocks Millia down, it’s the same case in reverse, as I-No’s note setups are reversal safe and allow her to run her extremely difficult to block high/low mixup. In addition, I-No has the potential to do huge damage if she has meter, and still be able to reset into another knockdown. So for this matchup, try not to get knocked down or airthrown by I-No, as Millia has a big advantage at neutral.
Jam Kuradoberi
My opinion 4.5:5.5
This matchup has traditionally been in Jam’s favor, and in Accent Core this matchup becomes even worse. Jam has retarded normals so trying to go head to head in a poking war with her is always a bad idea. Her 2s is stupid and staggers on counterhit, so she can combo off of it. In addition, Jam’s hitbox is weird and she doesn’t like getting comboed by 2d, as you have to be much closer than usual. I would recommend not using 5s(f) and sticking to plain far range 2d as a poke against her. Jam can also bait antiairs by doing j.2k or j.214k to delay her landing trajectory, and she has huge damage potential off of j.214k, so be careful when attempting antiairs.
Jam’s parry is also extremely effective against Millia’s air-to-ground rushdown with pin. And Jam’s FB Puffball is the best Forcebreak in the game, doing huge damage, having a huge stun modifier, possessing tons of invincibility, and being completely safe on block. Be very careful when throwing out moves on the ground, especially if she has 25% meter, and always take care to activate FD when jumping so that the move doesn’t hit you as you’re leaping in the air.
For air-to-air, Millia j.p and j.k are pretty effective, so make sure to hitconfirm them into a full combo if they hit. When Jam gets knocked down, she has a good reversal option with 623k. The invincibility on it is ok, but if she has a card charged up for Ryujin then you have to be very careful. If her dp hits, she can go into a full combo from it, and if her dp is blocked then she can cancel it into charged Ryujin to make it safe. A fairly medium risk, high reward option for her, so Millia should run the reversal safe setups more often against Jam.
She also has 3 supers that can all be used as reversals, and they do huge damage but are also very bad on block. If Jam has you knocked down, then that’s usually not that bad of a situation since Jam’s mixup isn’t very good. Try not to attempt reversal throw though, since her 6h is throw invincible. If Jam is pressuring you, then be very careful and try to backdash or 1f jump out whenever you can, as Jam’s pressure is extremely good. She can bring you to flashing guard bar very quickly, and if she hits you when you’re flashing, there’s a good chance the combo she does will do like 80%-100% damage.
My opinion 5.5:4.5
This matchup has traditionally been in Millia’s favor, and I feel that it still is, though it’s more difficult in this version purely because Johnny’s hitbox and weight gives Millia a lot of problems. All of her standard combos do not work on Johnny, and she has to use completely different ones. To make things worse, most of her special combos on Johnny do less damage than her normal ones. The standard Millia game is very effective against Johnny, ie. baiting counterhits with pin, footsies and groundpokes with 5s(f), 2d, and 6p. In addition she can roll under many of his long-ranged pokes like 5k, 5s, and 5h.
When pressuring Johnny he has a fairly high risk medium reward option by throwing out 2h, which comes out really fast and staggers on counterhit, so keep your strings tight against him. Antiairing Johnny is a big risk especially if he has meter as he can do Divine Blade or Killer Joker FRC to delay his landing and add a projectile into the mix.
If you knock Johnny down, his only reversal option comes in the form of his super, which is really high risk but high reward for him. If Johnny has you knocked down or is pressuring you, then be very patient and try to IB and backdash or 1f jump through the gaps. It’s really not too bad blocking Johnny since his high/low isn’t great, but he can really crank the guard bar up sometimes. If he’s getting predictable you can also try doing roll through his normals while he’s doing pressure. Johnny does massive damage in every combo he does, so try not to let yourself get hit by a coin and stay in his face. Just play very carefully and this matchup shouldn’t be too bad.
Ky Kiske
My opinion 5:5
I believe this matchup is pretty even, and if not then Millia has a slight advantage. Ky is a fairly slow character, and Millia outmaneuvers him easily. However, he has extremely strong normals, so this is one of those matchups where Millia should try to avoid fighting head-to-head. More specifically, Ky’s j.k is excellent air-to-air and will beat most of Millia’s normals, and his j.h at long range is pretty much unbeatable. On the ground, Ky has better range on his normals and his 5h is extremely good, having an excellent hitbox and staggering on counterhit. Luckily Ky does not do big damage. How well you use the pin basically determines how easy this matchup is. Also, be very careful when fighting Ky air-to-ground, as his antiair options are amazing. I would recommend just avoiding these situations altogether.
My opinion 5:5
This matchup has traditionally been in Millia’s favor, but I believe it’s even now with May getting several improvements in Accent Core. May’s normals are ridiculous in the air, especially her j.h and j.2h. Millia can literally die in one combo from CH j.h. In air-to-air battles I would recommend sticking with the pin and far-range j.d. On the ground, Millia can stick with her usual ground game. May has 2 supers that can be used as reversals, but most good May players shouldn’t be using them since she has better use for meter(like FRCs). Other than that those 2 supers, May has no other good options for escape.
May’s pressure is also fairly weak, so Millia should always be looking to escape. May’s dust is also another thing to look out for, as she can fake it to a low hit that launches, and both the dust and the low feint allow her to do huge damage if they land. The timing difference between the two is also really small. The good news is that they both have huge startup, so if you see May go into the animation, immediately backdash or 1f jump out to avoid having to react between the 2 options.
Also make sure that you FD in the air when you’re in the neutral situation, as you have to FD block her dolphins in the air. This is one of those matchups where Millia has an advantage in terms of overall options, but all May needs is one lucky hit into way too much damage, which she has many ways of getting.
Another random annoying thing to note is that May is really difficult to combo: getting stuff to connect is easy, but making everything end in a knockdown is much more difficult than normal against her, especially if you don’t have the pin.
Millia Rage
The mirror match! Despite Millia’s horrible defense rating, Millia mirror matches typically take a very long time because of Millia’s speed; it takes a long time for someone to get in blockstun. In this matchup, Millia should just be fishing for knockdowns with 2d and pin. Also, Millia should be abusing 6p if the other Millia does not currently have the pin in possession. Millia also has no reversal options, so typically whoever gets the 1st knockdown wins. Have fun~
Order Sol
My opinion 4:6
This matchup is absolutely horrible. Some people say it’s Millia’s worst matchup by far, though I don’t think it’s as bad as Chipp. First off, all of Order-Sol’s important normals beat all of Millia’s for free. His j.p will beat anything Millia throws out in the air if they’re close, and his 2d and 2s on the ground will beat everything she can do on the ground as well. He also gets damage very easily against Millia, as he gets way more damage off of random hits compared to her. Be very careful zoning with j.d in this matchup, as if Order-Sol reads it he can do 5h into his charge cancel, and if 5h is a counterhit, he can combo off of that into an over 50% damage combo.
His specials are also retardedly good. Rock-It has extreme range and can beat all of your normals at every range in a neutral situation, and trying to land from the air as Millia is a nightmare because of Gunblaze. Be very careful when landing and try to use Turbo fall whenever possible. If you knock down Order-Sol, he has several options on wakeup. He has 2 supers that can be used as reversal, but they are very high risk/high reward as they are horribly unsafe on block. He also has Storm Viper, which can be FRCed. Luckily Storm Viper is not one of the better uppercuts in the game, as if you time a 2k perfectly meaty, you will recover in time to be able to block the Storm Viper. Be careful if he has a Lvl3 Storm Viper though, as he has the followup kick, which throws a lot of people off. He can also do reversal Gunblaze, which is very high risk as well but will allow him to escape if you did an overhead as okizeme.
If Order-Sol is rushing you down, then just hope for the best and try to backdash or 1f jump whenever possible. When Order-Sol gets you into the corner, that really puts you in a guessing situation, as if Order-Sol throws you, then he gets a huge combo off of it in the corner. Basically in this matchup Millia’s mixups and setups are still effective as usual, but getting the required knockdown for this is difficult because Order-Sol has an overwhelming advantage in the neutral situation both in the air and ground.
My opinion 5:5
This matchup has traditionally been in Millia’s favor, but with Potemkin’s drastic upgrades in this version, I believe it’s either even or slightly in Millia’s favor. Millia still outmaneuvers Potemkin easily, and his hitbox still makes it very easy to combo him. Secret Garden is still extremely effective as usual, controlling a large amount of space. It’s also very good to throw out at full screen distance, as Potemkin can’t really do anything about it unless he does a very early Slidehead. However, once Potemkin gets in then things become very difficult. When he’s up close, his usual high/low/throw mixup becomes much more deadly in this version because of the ability to FRC Potemkin Buster. When he FRCs Pot Buster he gets to do a combo into Heat Knuckle(typically it will do 50% damage to Millia) into a knockdown, and a reset into the same guessing situation again. He pretty much just has to land 2 of these in a round to win. If you block the mixup properly, he also has ways to continue pressure and reset into the same guessing situation if he has meter.
Also, there’s the well-known Pot 6h->Slidehead and meaty Gigantor->Slidehead trick. For Pot 6h into Slidehead, always instant block 6h and then reversal backdash to avoid the unblockable Slidehead. You can also choose to purposely get hit by 6h, which will do massive damage, but will knock you away and let you escape. For meaty Gigantor, the same strategy applies, always IB the Gigantor and then reversal backdash out.
The other Pot trick is him doing meaty Slidehead on your wakeup, which can be extremely difficult to deal with. If Pot times the Slidehead perfectly meaty, then it doesn’t even have a hitbox anymore and the only thing Millia can do to escape it is to reversal backdash or reversal with either Winger or Emerald Rain(Emerald Rain actually has strike invincibility, which is surprising). Learning the reversal backdash timing is essential in this matchup.
Finally, if Millia knocks Pot down, Pot has several good reversal options. He can reversal Pot Buster, which isn’t technically a real reversal but if you mistimed your meaty this is always a very dangerous risk. He can also reversal with Gigantor, which is a very low risk high reward option for him. Even if Millia blocks the Gigantor or it whiffs, she will not be able to combo Potemkin because the reflector still stays on screen. And if she gets hit by Gigantor, then Pot can go into his usual combo, and if it was a counterhit, then Millia will most likely be dizzied by the following combo. Heavenly Potemkin Buster can also be dangerous if you’re using normal H disc okizeme, as it will allow Pot to get away from the ground. Judge Gauntlet is something else that he can do, which is pretty unsafe for him, but it can be difficult to react to this and stop attacking in time.
Essentially this matchup amounts to Millia playing very careful and never getting into the guessing situation with Potemkin. This can be extremely difficult, but the pin is a great help and full screen Secret Garden provide a lot of coverage to prevent Millia from getting into these situations. Getting time out victories against Pot is not uncommon.
Robo Ky
My opinion 5:5
This matchup can be a pain. I believe it’s even, but Robo has a lot of little annoying things to throw off Millia’s gameplan. He has a lot of moves that are either invincible or manipulate his hitbox in some weird way so be very careful when throwing out normals against him. His steam also counts as a projectile and will cancel out the disc if he does it on wakeup. His delayed wakeup is extremely annoying and can totally nullify the effectiveness of H Tandem Top and FB Pretty Maze setups if he reads them. As a counter though, Millia can do an OTG 2k after a knockdown into Tandem which will force him to get up normally. But you should be careful not to get predictable with this. Secret Garden setups are very effective against him as they will cover both his normal wakeup and delayed wakeup. If you have meter available when knocking down Robo-Ky, 236h FRC can be very helpful. After knocking him down, what you can do is wait a bit to see if he will do the delayed wakeup. If he does it, then set up the 236h, and if he doesn’t, then set it up and FRC.
Robo-Ky also has one of the best uppercuts in the game: it’s ridiculously fast, hits multiple times, has an overdrive followup, and can even be FRCed. Use reversal safe mixups more frequently against Robo. Another thing to look out for is Robo’s 5h, which is extremely fast at 5f of startup and can be FRCed. He can mash on 4h during blockstun as an option select to counter throw attempts and as a counterpoke for overhead attempts. If it doesn’t hit he can FRC to make it safe. This can be very annoying to deal with, and I would recommend occasionally breaking up your offense to bait it out. You can try baiting out 5h mash by doing a blockstring and then jumping straight up, or doing a blockstring and then throwing out 236s from a distance to bait a CH.
If Robo is rushing you down, you mainly want to watch for his throw and command throw, especially command throw since he drains so much meter off of it. You also want to watch out for his dust, as it’s extremely fast(Japanese people get hit by it all the time) but unsafe on block. Unfortunately it’s only -12 on block, so even though it’s technically unsafe, Millia can’t counter into anything significant: she will only be able to do 5s5h. On neutral, I would recommend using Millia’s roll a lot. Her roll can go under a lot of Robo’s pokes and she can also evade his homing missiles this way.
My opinion 4:6
This has traditionally been Millia’s worst matchup. In Accent Core, it’s still pretty bad but I don’t think it’s her worst one anymore. For reference, I felt it was 3:7 in earlier games but I think it’s 4:6 in AC. First off, Slayer has ridiculous normals and pokes and they will beat all of Millia’s in most situations. He also does huge damage, and can hitconfirm most of his pokes into his combos for huge damage. Many of his moves also have invincibility frames, which allow him to go through Millia’s normals and escape her setups.
The neutral game with Slayer is very weird. Risk/reward is skewed very badly against Millia, so it’s all about calculated risks. Slayer’s mobility generally isn’t very good so Millia can outmaneuver him easily but his normals and Mappa are just so overwhelming. I would recommend using j.d at the very tip to minimize risk, and smart usage of pin to get momentum. If you read a Dandy Step attempt, then you should do dash up 6p, which will counterhit him, and you can combo off of that as you please. He can also use Mappa Punch from afar and counterhit you if he sees you trying to set up H Tandem Tops, which is bad because CH Mappa lets him combo into knockdown. If Slayer is coming down from the air, do not try to antiair his j.h, as you will never win against this normal. Instead, try doing 214k against j.h, as you can throw him right after he lands.
If you knock down Slayer, he has many options on wakeup. First off, he still has BDC, which allow him to escape Millia’s non-meaty H Tandem setups for free even if you timed a meaty perfectly. If you see him BDC, then quickly try to react and airthrow him(as Slayer will typically BDC jump out of disc setups). Because of this, try to go for meaty H Tandem Setups, FB Pretty Maze, and Secret Garden setups whenever you can against him. Slayer’s mixup is pretty average GG-wise, but his pressure can be extremely deadly as he cranks up the guard bar quickly and Slayer combos off of flashing guard bar are usually instant death. However, his pressure is fairly easy to IB, so try to read the patterns, and IB and then 1f jump or backdash out. Be aware that if you backdash, he can punish this by cancelling into Mappa Punch, but he won’t be able to combo off of Mappa Punch unless he has 50% meter. I also find that against Slayer, you can get away with throwing out more FB Pretty Mazes during gaps in his pressure, as Slayer doesn’t have any true gatlings other than 5ss so oftentimes he will not be able to react in time to stop attacking, and will end up getting hit by the disc.
Sol Badguy
My opinion 5:5
This is a really interesting matchup. On paper, it looks really bad for Millia because Sol has great defensive options(VV) and his normals just flat out win against hers up close. His damage output is also consistently higher. However, Millia has a very good advantage in the neutral game because of her mobility and air options. Keep in mind that Millia can still lose very quickly if she makes a mistake, though.
In the neutral game, the most important normals to use are 5p, 5s(f), and 2d. You generally want to always be prepared to use 5p every time you see Sol go to the air, or if you predict he will IAD. 5p will pretty much shut down any kind of airdash approach he attempts. Since Sol is fairly slow with limited air options, he generally has to take risks to get in on Millia. However, this doesn’t mean you should just mash 5p, because if he comes in at a non-airdash angle, you are going to lose the exchange and lose half your life or more. You just need to use 5p enough to discourage him from reckless IAD and airdash approaches.
5s(f) is GREAT against Sol on the ground. I mentioned earlier that Millia loses up close, so you are aiming to always keep Sol at the very tip of the 5s(f) hitbox. Coupled with 2d, these normals will discourage Sol from fighting you on the ground, and make him go to the air. Which is when you need to be ready with 5p, or 6p for non-airdash angles. Unfortunately, as good as 5s(f) and 2d are, they don’t lead to damage. But you’d be surprised at how much damage they can rack up over time as you hit Sol with them repeatedly.
Sol’s 2d is VERY difficult and annoying to deal with. It has relatively small recovery and will beat most of Millia’s normals. Counterhit 2d also goes into a full Sidewinder loop if Sol a)is very close or b)has at least 25% meter. Your best bet at winning against this move is to just avoid challenging it altogether. So, don’t fight up close, and use a lot of dash brakes with backdashing in neutral to bait him into whiffing 2d. I mentioned that 2d’s recovery is minimal, but Millia can actually punish a whiffed 2d if she baits it perfectly with backdash.
When it comes to air-to-ground situations, they are pretty bad for Millia because of Sol 5k. This normal will pretty much beat any kind of air-to-ground approach you use, so I would recommend avoiding them altogether or making sure to always have pin handy when landing. You can also use Turbo fall to avoid putting yourself in these situations. If you have Sol knocked down, he has Volcanic Viper as a reversal option, the best uppercut in the game. Luckily the trajectory of it is odd, so if you jump forward on okizeme it will whiff you. Other than that, be sure to use more reversal safe mixups against Sol to counter VV. If Sol is rushing you down, just block and mainly watch out for the Wild Throw. Sol’s high/low mixup isn’t that great and most of his pressure is based on his Wild Throw, so backdash whenever possible.
My opinion 5:5
I believe that this matchup is even, and if not, then it’s slightly in Testament’s favor. On the plus side, Millia outmaneuvers Testament easily, and her mobility, especially her double airdash in tandem with her pin and j.d, can easily disarm traps without putting herself in too much danger. Her roll is also extremely effective against Testament, as she can roll under his best normals like 5k, 6k, 5s, and 2h. On the minus side, Testament does very good damage off of random hits, being able to go into the Badlands loop off of his throw, airthrow, and off ground pokes if he has meter. In addition, he has excellent reversal options with Forward EXE Beast, as the Beast is guaranteed to come out very quickly(I forgot the frame #). However, it only starts hitting on frame 16, so if you have a feeling Testament will attempt reversal Forward EXE Beast, either do reversal safe mixups or do 2k and hold back. Nightmare Circular is also another reversal option, as it’s actually frame advantage on block for him, but if you have an FB Pretty Maze set up, he will get hit by it anyway while he’s recovering. I recommend using 5p and j.d for clearing out nets, and abusing Millia’s superjump and her two airdashes along with pins and turbofall to clear out the trees. Poking against Testament is really risky since the danger of counterhit forward EXE beast is always there, so I recommend doing lots of dash ins into FD brake to bait the forward EXE Beast and dash in rolls.
My opinion 5.5:4.5
Venom’s pressure is extremely good and it’s very difficult to avoid getting put in this situation so Millia should play very carefully. His pokes are also extremely good and if he has 25% meter for Stinger Aim FRC he can combo off of all of his pokes into a knockdown. Venom’s standing far slash is very annoying, I haven’t really found a way to beat this move other than to roll under it. Don’t use roll too much though, as she can’t roll under Venom’s 6h. Pin is very effective as usual. Try to avoid being put into a situation where Venom is under you as you are about to land from the air, as Venom’s antiair is extremely powerful. You can use pin to bait his antiair, but mostly try to use Turbo Fall to avoid having him underneath you as you’re landing. Luckily Venom’s defensive options are terrible so make sure to capitalize off of every knockdown.
My opinion 5.5:4.5
I really don’t have much experience in this matchup, but I think that it’s slightly in Millia’s favor. Zappa can crouch under Millia’s H Tandem Top, which is both a good and bad thing. The bad part is that if he blocks a mixup, he won’t have to deal with the blockstun of H Tandem, and the good part is that it makes him more subsceptile to throws. However, he can’t crouch under FB Pretty Maze, and he has no real answer to Secret Garden, so use those setups more frequently against him. The usual ground game works well against him, but be sure to check the clock because if the 2nd digit is close to a 0, a centipede uppercut is probably coming.