Elphelt Valentine by Kara
Currently, Elphelt is only out for 2 groups: Japanese pre-orders and Hong Kong digital. She will be out officially for the Japanese version on the 16th, as an 800yen DLC character. People who are buying the US version get a special treat, as Elphelt will be downloadable for free from December 16th all the way to January 5th of next year!
Leo Whitefang’s DLC release date has been officially announced to be the 18th. You can see him featured in the recent Famitsu article, scanned by Kurushii. Some players with hacked PS3s have been able to play and unlock him, since his data is already on the disc. You might be able to find videos of him in action if you poke around Youtube and Twitch, but keep in mind that ASW is taking down these videos rapidly.
The 4gamer wiki has been updated with Sin and Elphelt’s pages. However, frame data for these 2 are not yet available. It’s ok though, because Kedako and Ruu have worked it all out. You can see it all on Ruu’s blog. Pretty interesting how Elphelt has the fastest move in the game: a 1f startup powered up shotgun blast.
keeponrockin has made an excellent video database for Guilty Gear Xrd, very similar to Chainshift and meltydb. While I would normally recommend just using my site to search for videos, the keeponrockin site has the super useful features of being an actual database and letting you watch any match from the appropriate timestamp.
Recently, Satou and Ruu came over to the US for Northeast Championships, and the videos have been put up on Youtube! You can watch them running sets in both AC+R and Xrd in the pre-tourney Salty Suite over at Team Spooky After Hours. You can also see them in the big Xrd Red vs White teams event and top8 of the AC+R tourney over at FunkyP’s channel.