Browsing Posts published in April, 2014

Here are some more 720p videos of Xrd, since people are so interested in it! Amipara Technoland 2014/4/5 Singles tourney Part 1 【ニコニコ動画】【アミパラテクノランド】GGXrd大会 H26.04.05 その1 Eruo(Slayer) vs ASH(May) 2:47 Kazane(Axl) vs Doikun(Sol) 5:14 Kuroshiro(Faust) vs Begasu(Ky) 7:45 Tenkyo(Sol) vs Niiyama(Axl) 10:44 Jakuhai(Slayer) vs Pachikichi(Venom) Part 2 【ニコニコ動画】【アミパラテクノランド】GGXrd大会 H26.04.05 その2 Uda(Faust) vs Pokemon Sei(Ky) 3:57 Tottori(Bedman) vs Nikko(I-No) 7:59 Hinmeru(Zato) vs Miru(Sol) 10:58 Eruo(Slayer) vs Ekuni(Zato) 13:15 Yoichiro(Chipp) vs Doikun(Sol) Part 3 【ニコニコ動画】【アミパラテクノランド】GGXrd大会 H26.04.05 その3 Renoji(Ky) vs Begasu(Ky) 3:33 Ashura(Zato) vs Niiyama(Axl) 5:53 Pachikichi(Venom) vs Ekuni(Zato) 9:30 Uda(Faust) vs Yoichiro(Chipp) 12:57 Nikko(I-No) vs Begasu(Ky) Part 4 【ニコニコ動画】【アミパラテクノランド】GGXrd大会 H26.04.05 その4 Hinmeru(Zato) vs Niiyama(Axl) 3:00 Uda(Faust) […]

Arc Revolution Cup 2014 has finally been announced! It will feature the 3 main ASW games: Guilty Gear Xrd -SIGN-, Blazblue Chronophantasma, and Persona 4 Ultimax. There will be a special pre Arc Revo event at a-cho happening on 5/3-5/6. GG is on 5/5, and there will be two events: a Beginner’s only 2on2, and a regular Singles tourney. The main Arc Revo qualifiers will be taking place from 6/14 to 8/23. The finals will be held at Tokyo Bigsight TFT on 8/30. Arc Revo is pretty much Japan’s national ASW tournament, so this is […]

Just giving a heads up on some big Guilty Gear Xrd tournaments coming up in the next few weeks! First up is 4/6, in which Arc System Works will be hosting its first official Xrd tournament at Tokyo Leisureland in Akihabara. There will actually be two tournies held: a beginner’s 2on2, which is in Waseda format, and a standard singles tourney. Both will be streamed on the official ASW nico channel, and the stream link is here. The timetable on the official GGXrd website has the event starting at 11AM Japan time. On 4/5, a-cho […]

I’d like to make this post to consolidate the most notable character rankings for Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus R. I made similar posts in the past for Accent Core and for previous games, and since Xrd is out now, I thought it would be a good time to do this. AC+R came out in September 2012 but it received a big balance patch with Ver 1.10 in January 2013, which is the version that we have now. As I’m writing this, the game has been out for about a year and three months, […]