Browsing Posts published in March, 2012

Two Guilty Gear updates today!  First off is the release of the 43rd volume in Megalodon’s series of GG casual matches at Mikado, featuring various players.  According to the description, this was recorded fairly recently.  Great matches all around. Second is a surprise announcement in the form of Kanto Saikyou Ketteisen! This is a series of tournaments that the Japanese Melty Blood scene holds every year, and it seems like the GG community has taken a few pages from their book.  I’m pretty excited, because it’s been a long time since Japan has held a […]

I’ve finally gotten the bulk of the Final Round XV MBAACC footage up on the MeltyBread Youtube account.  It includes the entirety of the 3on3 teams tournament on Friday and the pre-top 8 matches on Saturday.  These were all streamed by Rayza on his 4G smartphone.  Who would have thought that phone internet could be so godlike? I have not uploaded the top 8 matches on Sunday, because those were streamed by FunkyP.  From what I hear, along with streaming he also captured all of the footage locally so there’s a good chance he’ll put […]

I’ve been lagging behind in keeping up with the Saikyou Ketteisen series that the Kansai and Kanto regions are doing for Melty, and as a result there’s a ton of videos in the back burner.  I’ve uploaded most of the videos on the MeltyBread account, but the Kansai set at a-cho is on their zero3japan account.  Nothing much else to say: these 3on3 tournaments are basically a showcase of the highest caliber of Melty play in Japan, so it’s a great watch if you’re at all interested in the competitive scene.  I particularly enjoyed the […]

If you weren’t paying attention to fighting game stuff this weekend, everyone’s favorite troll Kusoru put on an amazing show at Final Round XV!  This is the first time Kusoru has been in the United States for a fighting game tournament, and he actually came over for free with an FRB sponsorship(FinalRound Bats, the name of the Marvel 3 qualifying tournament he won in Japan). I was happy to see Final Round XV have a Guilty Gear tournament, but you can bet I was beyond hyped to hear that Kusoru joined it.  And he put […]