The 8th and final Skullgirls character has finally been revealed to be Double! She was shown last night on Spike GTTV with a very quick 30 second segment, and today Gametrailers has posted a two part character walkthrough for her with Mike Z narration. Her character page on the official Skullgirls website has also been added. As Mike Z says, she is super gross, being a shapeshifting Eldritch abomination and all. Many of her moves have her transforming into the other characters of Skullgirls. Some of them are just modified versions of existing moves, but there are also many that are completely unique like 236p turning her into Parasoul shooting a gun. Her Level 3 super should look very familiar to fighting game fans, and it even has cameos for Umbrella, Squiggly, and Ms Victoria!
But all pales in comparison to her Level 5, which is the most amazing thing ever. I won’t spoil what it is, so if you haven’t already basked in its glory, go watch the videos now!