Tons of new Skullgirls videos on GameTrailers today! First off is an exclusive Painwheel character walkthrough by Mike Z, in 2 parts. Lots of valuable information here: pretty much a must watch for anyone who is planning on playing this character. I really like how she can’t just superjump off the screen and fly there like what is observed all the time in Marvel; it really shows that Mike’s MvC2 experience helped in balancing out her flight mechanic. Her spin dash special is also really cool, and brings back all sorts of memories of that exact same technique in Sonic 2.
Moving away from the gameplay side of things and diving into artistic territory, Alex Ahad has some commentary on the inspirations of Painwheel’s design and the amount of work that went into making her. It’s interesting that they deliberately added more hitstop to her attacks to make them feel more heavy. It’s a nice effect, and it also makes hitconfirming easier with her. Mike also chimes in with some of the new visual changes that have been implemented in the newest version, including more hitsparks(to differentiate throws, punches, and slashes for example), and a “leader” indicator to show who currently has the lead. This is pretty useful for matches where both players have different amount of characters, because the ratio system can make it difficult to determine just how much life you have relative to your opponent’s. And finally, there’s a nice surprise at the end with a quick glimpse at the ninja nurse Valentine, who already has a voice!
The last video is just the weekly Friday Night Fights match, except that none of the players are labeled.